Friday, 6 April 2012

End of Semester Update

Hello loyal followers, internet creeps and Facebook friends!

It is finally winding down... The semester from hell. Yes, it has been the semester from hell. Classes are now over, but final assignments are still pending for almost every class (I just finished my Preservation Management paper yesterday, so that class is officially over).  My groups have been pretty good for the most part, but I gotta give mad shout outs to my GLIS 620 group who seem to be so on top of it. You guys know who you are.

Summer is almost here in Montreal and I'm really excited! I have tickets to some amazing shows (Planet Smashers/ Big D and the Kids Table, Rev. Horton Heat/Real McKenzies/the Brains and POUZZA fest) that are sure to make my *early* summer awesome.  I'll also be working at the archives over the summer, so that should be a great learning experience as well.  There are some downsides to my summer though: My friends won't be here and I'll have to do a lot of work on my research (I'm hoping to submit ethics this summer, so a lot of work).  All of my courses have now been approved (see #14 below)... so I finally have a timetable that I'm excited to share! I think overall my schedule is really good and there are a lot of things I'm excited to take.

Fall 2012
Metadata and Access
Special Topics - Usability
Qualitative and Ethnographic Methods (Taken through the Education faculty)

Winter 2013
Library and Archive History
Database Design
Special Topics - Digital Curation

Life lessons!

13. Don't procrastinate.  Yes, I know this sounds insane (and I'm just coming down from a fairly productive day all in all), but it's true.  The more you can just sit down and accomplish, the better you'll feel.  I think I'm going to take a stab at my 647 revisions tonight (although that will probably require a drink in hand).

14. People generally mean well.  I've been really agitated at the processes at SIS (School of Information Studies) in terms of getting courses approved and the whole idea of "coding" for departmental approval.  For UBC friends, this process includes a meeting with your academic advisor to choose classes that are pertinent to your life goals, then your advisor has to email the administrative coordinator with the courses you'd like to be "approved" for.  This would normally be a non-issue, but to take any sort of "special" courses, it's absolute madness and NO ONE TOLD ME I NEEDED PHYSICAL COPIES OF EVERYTHING. Ugh. The crazy amount of backtracking necessary made me want to throw up.  I got angry - I blamed everyone at SIS for this. I figured everyone was out to screw me.  Then the apologies started to flow in from all directions.  I realized that I'm asking them for a favour, not something I'm necessarily entitled to. I also realized that it will work out. People are trying to make this work for me. People mean well.

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